Consulting/Advisory Services
Every company that is at the exciting growth phase makes critical decisions be it building foundations of product management and design, frameworks, hiring, culture, business model and continue to evolve or pivot their product and service offering based on timely market signals.
This is where Spark to Substance comes in - we have been there and made some of those mistakes starting out and seen our teams fall into these traps. Spark To Substance works with growth stage companies to set help you continue your trajectory of growth and scale through a number of ways:
Help you define company vision and a product vision derived from this using the industry and market signals
Support your hiring framework for either your critical hires to help you achieve your scale or be that advisor by either jumping in as interim VP Products/Chief Product Officer to address company level product, market, engineering, people or revenue challenges - the real wicked problems
Work with you to build and organize your product, marketing, engineering and design teams in the most optimal way that makes sense for you, your business and your context
Build and enable your teams - executive and product teams to make critical trade off decisions, prioritize what to build and define and deliver on realistic roadmaps that prevent you from getting into a feature factory model